KOPPEL, INC. is a personal information controller under Republic Act No. 10173, commonly known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and its implementing rules and regulations (the “Act”). This Personal Data Protection Notice (“Notice”), prepared in accordance with the Act, sets out our Personal Data protection practices that are put in place to protect the Personal Data of individuals whom we deal and do business with.
1. Personal Data that we collect.
The Personal Data that we collect about individuals may include but not limited to the following:
You may have provided the Personal Data to us personally or authorized other individuals to provide the Personal Data to us and consent on your behalf to our collection of your Personal Data from these individuals. These individuals could be your employer, superiors, employees, subordinates, colleagues and family members.
For Personal Data about other individuals that you provide us, you confirm that you are authorized to disclose and consent, on their behalf, to the processing of such Personal Data for the purposes which we collect and use Personal Data, or other purposes for which your consent has been sought and obtained.
2. Purposes and use of collected Personal Data
Koppel collects and uses Personal Data for purposes which you have authorized us or given your consent. We would seek your consent prior to using your Personal Data should we need to use your Personal Data for any other purpose which you have not given your consent.
We collect and use the Personal Data that you provide us arising from our business relationship for the following purposes:
We also disclose and transfer Personal Data to the following parties for the purposes of managing, operating, administering our business and for our business and legal purposes:
In addition, we would disclose Personal Data in the following cases:
3. Disclosure, sharing and transfer of Personal Data
Personal data provided to us will generally be kept confidential unless you consent and authorize us to provide or disclose your Personal Data. Koppel does not sell or rent Personal Data that we collect from individuals, including our Web site visitors. In the course of providing our products and services to our customers, clients and business partners, we disclose, share and transfer Personal Data to the parties mentioned hereunder and for the following purposes:
4. Protection, Security and Retention of Personal Data
Koppel will take all reasonable steps to protect the Personal Data we hold from loss, misuse, modification, unauthorized or accidental access or disclosure, alteration or destruction and other similar risks.
Koppel will only retain Personal Data for as long as the retention is required for the purposes for which we collected the Personal Data and for our business and legal purposes. We will not keep personal information for longer than is necessary and will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify personal information.
5. How to Contact Us
To ask questions or make comments on this Notice and our privacy practices or to make a complaint about our compliance with applicable privacy laws, you may reach us through our Contact Us page.
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